I spoke to Mum every night checking on her. She sounded drained. Mum was working full time at the Hospital. She would start work early and take a 2 hour lunch. During her lunch she would have her radiation treatment then return to work. 

One night she broke down. This was heartbreaking as I was so far away. I prodded her enough for her to tell me what had happened. "The other ladies I work with are giving me a hard time for having a two hour lunch break as they don't know why I do this. I can't tell them Emily as I don't want them to treat me differently" she cried. I hadn't heard Mum cry in a very long time. Mum was always the brave one. She held it together no matter what so we didn't feel her hurt it pain so I knew this was bad. 

"Mum, you have to say something." I said calmly and softly. "My boss knows but not the others" she replied. "Well they don't matter Mum, they are work colleagues not friends and they don't have to go through what you do and if they did they would take time off" was all I could say to try and make her feel better. I wanted to be there more than anything but I didn't have enough saved to go back. Another time when I needed to be somewhere I couldn't. "Barry is not taking it well Emily, he is acting out" she told me. "Mum if I can make it back soon I will" I promised. This would mean that I would have to save what little money I had as quickly as possible.

Mum told me she had to go in the next week and have a part mastectomy and the lymph nodes removed from under her arms in a hope that they can get it all. This cemented it for me, some how I was going to get back in the next few weeks.

I told Tina what was happening and she was very supportive and extremely worried as Mum was also her Aunty. She said she would help me get back. 

The night of mums operation she called me from the hospital she was crying and I thought that she was hurting or had bad news after the operation. I tried to calm her but I couldn't. Finally she told me that the police had turned up at the hospital and advised her that Barry had taken her car for a joy ride. "He stole my car Emily!". "Fucking hell Mum I am going to kick his ass big time, he doesn't think of anyone else but himself" I ranted. I didn't mean what I said but I felt guilty that I wasn't there for Mum and Barry. "No Emily! He is acting out, he is worried about me just like you are and this is his way of handling things" she interjected. She was right as always she knew us too well. I said good night to her and told her I would call again in the morning. I didn't bother trying to call Barry as he wouldn't be home and back then we didn't have mobile phones.

I called her in the morning and she was going home that day. I felt terrible for her and still ever so guilty.

Over the next few weeks I got all the money I had and booked a flight for Ava and I to return home to support Mum and Barry.

The morning we were to flight out I call Mum and I told her I would be there that night and that we had our fares booked. Mum tried to stop me as she didn't want me interrupting my life and spending money I didn't have. Can you believe that ? she always thinks of us always. 

I packed our bags and my girlfriend took us to the airport. Tina told me not to worry about anything here and  to give Mum all her love.

It was a very long flight back to Mum and Ava got really sore ears during the flight so I kept tricking her in to yawning so her ears would pop. Finally we landed and as soon as we got out to the terminal Mum was there waiting. I didn't see her until I saw Ava running so fast I couldn't believe her legs would hold her up. "Nannyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!" She yelled not stopping for anyone. Mums eyes lit up and the biggest smile took over her face. I couldn't help that single tear roll down my face. It had been years since we had seen her and she hadn't changed accept for the fact she had lost weight.

On the trip home all Ava wanted to do was sing the song My Girl with Mum, that song is very special for the both of them. Mum used to dance to this song with Ava since she was a baby. Ava really was Nannies girl.

When we got home Barry was there. Wow he had changed. He was so much taller than I remembered. Mum made us all a cup of tea as I put my bags away and went to see my great uncle. He hadn't changed one little bit. I had a chat with Barry and asked what was going on with him. He didn't say much he closed off. 

There was a knock at the door. Barry jumped up and ran out to the door. When he came back he brought his girlfriend Rhonda. Rhonda was so very special. She was Lebanese with beautiful dark hair and eyes and a softness and kindness that made her  who she was. She kept Barry in line though and for this it made us love her. They were so in love. I had never seen someone tame Barry but this girl was in control in a good way. Ava loved her so very much. Rhonda was great with her, she came from a large family and to her family always comes first. She would not allow Barry to disrespect Mum in any way.

I loved this girl. With her and Barry together I knew I would never have to worry about him again as you could tell when they looked at each other that this was true love and both of them felt the same.

On the first day there I felt relaxed and at ease for the first time in a very very long time.

Boy it was good to be home, if only for a little while ...


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