For the next few weeks Adam asked me to go out and visit Powsey and Donna and each time I said I wanted to stay home. I didn't feel like socialising after everything that I had put myself through. 

One night I overhead Dave calling the Navy base asking at the mess if Adams ex was there. Dave had been friends with her. Adam was standing next to him whilst he made the call. Dave asked the person on the end of the phone "is there a short, beautiful blonde there?". Well I knew this night that Adam was going to visit her as I was sure he asked Dave to call and see if she was there.

Not long after Adam came in to our room and had a shower and got ready to go out I asked him if he would mind staying home with me as I wasn't feeling the best. To be honest with you my sixth sense was going in to over drive. He told me he had to go and meet up with her and Powsey and Donna. He had promised he would take her out to meet people. He told me not to worry that they were just friends but I wasn't buying it. Adam left the house for his night out without me and didn't look back.

I spent time with Ava. Tina had gone with them so I felt a little more secure. There is no way he would do anything with my cousin there. After Ava had gone to bed I went in and laid down. My mind was in over drive. I had all sorts of thoughts going through my mind. I was worried he would cheat on me and break me more than I was at this point. I really couldn't take much more heart ache.

Early in the morning I heard Adams car. Tina, Dave and Adam got out of the car. They were laughing and obviously had a good night. I on the other hand was not so happy. I was just terribly broken. I felt more alone then I had in my life. I got up and went out to meet them. They had all gone in to the lounge room by this stage. Adam called me over and sat me on his lap. We chatted together for a while but I was really miserable. I tried not to be but it was eating me up inside. Tina called me to the kitchen and she said "Emily, you don't have anything to worry about. She is lovely, but she is not interested in Adam. Really she is lovely" I smiled and felt a little better but why was my heart beating so fast and why did my mind race to the worst conclusion. I had to take her word for it.

The next day I wanted to do something nice for Adam so Tina and I went to the shop and I put a surfboard on lay-by for Adam. He loved to surf but his board was at his parents house on the other side of Australia. When we got home I was so excited that I couldn't wait to tell Adam. When he got home I ran up to him and with excitement in my voice I said "I put a board on lay by for you today, it is an awesome board" Adam looked at me and said "no Emily you shouldn't have done that" I was a little confused. "I wanted to do something nice for you" I said to him. He walked past me and called out to Dave "Dave! We have to go" he yelled on the way through. Face looked a little confused also but they walked to the car in silence. I had no idea where they were going.

Later that afternoon Adam walked in with Dave. Dave called out to Tina and asked if her and Ava wanted to go for a drive. I said it was ok as I wanted to spend a little time with Adam. After they left the house Adam grabbed my hand and walked me to our room. He sat me on the bed. "Emily, here" he handed me money. "What's that for?" I asked. "It's the lay by money, you shouldn't have done that" he replied. "I wanted too Adam I know how much you love surfing". "Emily, I don't know how to say this but we are not going to work out" I saw his mouth move but I couldn't hear his words. What was happening? What had I done so wrong? If I wasn't broken before I was now. "Adam what are you talking about? Why? I don't understand" I cried. He stood up and pulled out a suitcase and started packing his bags. I was begging to know what and why. He wouldn't answer me. I cried so much and he didn't care not one little bit. "It her isn't it!" I screamed at him. All he said was "it's got nothing to do with her we are never going to be together, I can't be a father Emily, I'm not ready". 

At this time all I could think was 'I know that is why you made me have an abortion'. "What are you talking about Adam?" I asked again. I can't be a father. "I don't expect you to be a father and never have" I spat at him. "I love you Emily but we can't be together" were the last words he said to me before he walked out the door. 

I sat on my bed in shock. I don't remember doing it but I grabbed a bottle of pain killers and took the lot. I don't remember much more the next thing I know I am drinking charcoal with Tina sitting beside me. When I saw her the first thing I said was "where is Ava?" She looked at me with swollen eyes and told me she was at my friends house. I was relieved. What had I done?

I got released from hospital and was feeling sorry for myself for some time. My friends all came around to visit and tried to make me feel better about myself.  It was good to have such great friends and support. I couldn't talk to Dave even though he still lived with us. I tried but every time I saw him I was reminded of Adam.

A few weeks later I got a call from my Mum. She was upset, she wasn't crying but I could hear in her tone that something wasn't right. She chatted about all sorts of things then final she got to it. "Emily, sweat heart" she said. I had heard this tone before. "What's wrong Mum, is it Nan?" Mum went silent then i could hear her gulp "I have been diagnosed with breast cancer" she said through a cough. I know this sounds bad but all I could think is 'what did I do in this life time to have such a shitty life'. "Why mum?" I blubbered and said so many things that I can't remember I can remember mum saying "Emily! Stop! This is happening to me sweat heart" I must have been making it all about me and for that I am sorry. I wasn't thinking that this was happening to her.....


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