The plane landed at the airport in WA. When we got off the plane there was no one waiting for us. We walked outside and waited for a taxi in order to get home after such a long flight I was ready to feed and bathe Ava, hop in a shower myself.

We were lined up waiting for a taxi when I heard someone yell out to me. It was Tina and Mandy a good friend of mine "do you really think we would let you arrive without a welcome party" Tina said. At that moment I walked over and held her and tears rolled down my face. I felt so alone after leaving Mum and Barry and my emotions were all over the place. 

Whilst hold Tina everything I had bottled up and was worried about when I returned came flowing back. I felt like a freight train had hit me. Whilst we were with Mum it was like I had left everything on the otherwise of Australia and could just be me for a while, now I was back and all my problems returned. I knew I should have been stronger but I really couldn't control it. 

We got in the car and Ava would not stop talking. Not unusual for her she was a very confident girl and extremely intelligent (she still is to this day). I was in the passenger seat and Tina sat in the back seat with Ava. I looked back at them and they were both as happy as each other to be right where they were at this moment. It looked like Tina missed us as much as we missed her.

When we got home I took Ava's bag to her room and put mine in the lounge room. I got her fed and bathed and we called mum to let her know we got home safely. After we had finished on the phone I tucked Ava in to bed and kissed her good night. I walked out to the lounge room and Tina was sitting there waiting for me. Mandy had left so we could settle in. "Emily, we need to have a chat" Tina said. "Go and have a shower and I will get us a cup of tea. I looked at her and thought this was strange behaviour for her but obviously she needed to tell me something. I was oh so quick to leave the room dragging my bag in to my room. As I entered the room I walked over to my cupboard and as I opened the sliding doors it hit me like a tone of bricks that Adam was no longer here. His side of the cupboard was empty. I quickly put my clothes away so I could close the cupboard and hopefully not think about it. I got in to the shower and cried uncontrollable (I didn't this so no one could see me, I sure a lot of people do this). My mind was racing thinking what Tina needed to discuss and then I realised that Dave was not home. I finally pulled myself together got out and dress in my PJs. I walked out to the lounge room and said down next to Tina.

"Emily, Dave has moved out to a unit we have decided that for the time being this would be best. We are still together but this is best for now" Tina started. I didn't know how to respond but I felt it was because Adam and I had broken up and maybe I made him uncomfortable.

"There's more" she continued. "I don't know how to say this!" She said sheepishly. I looked her in the eyes and said "just say it Tina! I can't handle people hiding things from me" I snapped. I didn't mean to but I did. "Well" she paused and took a big gulp. I have her the look. "Um, well Adam is with Donna" she finally spat it out. At this point my heart broke not just broke but shattered in to a million pieces. I was angry, pissed off and all together broken. I didn't say anything but I thought about a lot of things and mainly 

How long has this been going on? 

All those times she said with Adam and I and she flirted with him were they doing something then?

I listened to her when she needed it and kept her secrets! Bitch! I didn't say these words out loud or asked Tina as she couldn't answer these questions even if she wanted too.

"They moved in together" she continued. My silence said it all. I got up and walked the kitchen without saying a word. All I wanted to do was sink into the floor below me. Tina followed me out to make sure I was ok. I think she might also have been checking I hadn't done something stupid. 

I walked over to the phone picked it up and rang a girlfriend of mine. "Hey do you want to get the girls together, I want to go out tomorrow night" she was more than happy too so we arranged a time and I called my friend who has the two little girls that Ava loved spending time with and asked if she would watch Ava and she agreed.

I turned and looked at Tina and said "well are you going to come" smiling at her. She looked confused. In my mind I wanted to go out and prove I was too good for him and this was my way of getting on with life. Tina smiled back and said she was in. She wanted me to be happy and if this is what it took well she would support it.

The next morning I found a modelling academy and signed Tina and myself up. Funnily enough it was on Thursday afternoons which just happened to be that day. I dropped Ava off that afternoon with my friend and Tina and I headed out to our first modelling class together. We dressed to impress. I had a black pair of tight short shorts and a tank top showing off my tummy, long black boots and did my make up and hair not only for modelling but also for the night ahead.

I had so much fun at modelling and we had our first assignment to do for the next week. We then headed over to the pub that was adjacent to the club we went too and had a drink and played pool. We were getting a lot of attention. I know this sounds vein but that is how it was when we went out. I hadn't paid that much attention when I was with Adam but now it was really obvious. 

I walked in to the toilet area to make sure my makeup was ok and went in to the stall as I was walking out I heard a voice. I had never heard it before but one of the two people talking called the girl by her name which just happened to be Adams ex who had moved to WA. I walked out of the stall and said "Are you Rebecca?" She looked at me nervously and said "after you Emily?" We both said yes at the same time. We got to talking and walked out together. Tina saw us and thought that there was going to be trouble and rushed over. She said hi to Rebecca and said "is everything ok here?" We both laughed and said we were fine. "Rebecca told me that Adam had told her that I was going to beat her up f I met her?" I couldn't believe it as that is not who I was and she noticed that what he had said was a load of shit. We must have talked for hours then she joined us in going next door. 

As I walked in I scanned the room and it was packed with people, it had been a long time since I had been there. I walked around with my head held high and walked with confidence. All my girlfriends were out the back as I went to walk out I walked past Adam and didn't eve noticed until I heard "here's the slut!" I recognised that voice straight away as I turned in the direction of the voice I was shocked at what I saw. Sitting at a table was Adam and next to him was Grant! I was furious. I walked over to them both and pointing at Adam I said "how's it feel to be second best to Powsey?" Then I turned and pointed at Grant "you know me better than that and as you both know I am far from a Slut!" I them turn and walked confidently outside. I strutted as I didn't want them to think, especially Adam that this has affected me. I was here I show him what he was missing. 

I told to girls what happened and they wanted to go and say something but I wouldn't let them. We went to the dance floor and had to walk past them both again. This time I didn't speak or look at them. We danced and I had so many guys coming up to talk to me whilst I was dancing offering me drinks and wanting to dance with me. Some where really hot so I agreed but I made sure the other girls were close by.

As I danced with these guys I took a quick look in Adam and Grants direction and Adam was staring. He was not happy and this made me feel fantastic, that was exactly what I wanted to happen.

That night I wished that he would hurt as much as I did. I wish a lot of bad things for him. I couldn't believe what he said as I wasn't the one who did something wrong. I didn't break his heart!

My mum always told me be very careful what you wish for and over the next few weeks Adam was going to be affected greatly by my wishes...


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